5 Questions for Susan Kelly Von Medicus: Local Artist Brings the Golden Age of Irish Manuscripts to Villanova

Photo above: Ne Timeas: walnut ink and egg tempera on Fabriano paper. Study for student project based on decorations in Lindisfame Gospel text from Luke at Annunciation: Fear not Mary. Were you always interested in art as a young girl?… Continue Reading

125 Years Later Roman Catholic High School Expands Thomas E. Cahill’s Dream

By Pete Hand, RCHS Class 1974 The year is 1890. On the northeast corner of Broad and Vine Streets, a new school opened. The first school of its kind not only in Philadelphia but in the U.S. The first steps… Continue Reading

St. Anne Parish—Serving God and Country Since 1845

Caption: (above) St. Anne Parish 170th Anniversary and Tribute to First Responders—An American flag flew from the top of the Philadelphia Fire Department Ladder Company 16 hook-and-ladder truck. By Russell W. Wylie Only a few weeks after the Continental Congress established… Continue Reading

GREAT EXPECTATIONS: The Pope’s Visit To Philadelphia

We asked local residents what they thought  about Pope Francis, his visit and the future of the Catholic Church in our area. 1. What is different to you about Pope Francis compared to previous popes? 2. What impact do you… Continue Reading

Kieran Jordan—Leader in the Field of Irish Dance

TOP: Kieran Jordan and Kevin Doyle dancing traditional Irish jigs, in Miltown Malbay, County Clare. Music from Michael Tubridy and James Keane. BOTTOM: A taste of Willie Clancy Summer School from County Clare. Here is a clip from the Dance… Continue Reading

Conor McGregor versus Chad Mendes: A Dublin Boy Goes Up Against an All-American Wrestler in UFC 189

Caption (above): McGregor the Irishman delivers something no other fighter can: a new audience in the nation of Ireland. By Brendan Clay I’m sitting at the bar at Tír na nÓg in center city sipping on a water and waiting… Continue Reading

The Bridge from Selma to Derry

Caption (above): On one of their famous murals, the Bogside Artists of Derry honor four Nobel Laureates —John Hume, Dr. Martin Luther King, Mother Teresa and Nelson Mandela. All were awarded the Nobel Peace Prize. For information, visit www.bogsideartists.com By Maurice… Continue Reading