
By Katharine Gilbert

Lately, I’ve been waking
in Paris
And walking the Rue Cambon
Waiting for my Father
to arrive
We’ll meet again in
the early cold
it is a trip we must make
A long promised visit
to Les Halles

His lateness does not
worry me
As I deep dream him
he shows
It’s as if I already know
as if I’d never know

These dreams, they come
in clusters
Like wild invading cells
Did he choose this story or
push me to tell

We’ll hop the metro
at 6 AM
We’ll feel the markets thrive
Too many fish, tons of greens
this really is the best
of dreams

We’ll stroll the aisles, he’ll smile
then begin to fade
I’m drifting at sea, he’s gone-yet
jolted back, the oysters
Of course there is an R, he whispers
as Fish Man starts his work

Tonight, I’ll wake in Paris and
walk the Rue Cambon
I will wait for my Father
and watch him arrive
I know the end before it starts again
in sleep he comes alive

Katharine Gilbert of the Irish Edition is daughter of the late Dr. and Mrs. John M. Lawlor, and sister of writer, Sabina Clarke